Welcome to
K9 BackPack


Our Mission 

We're a group of Dachshund owners. We're here to help YOU, and your dog too, on a variety of topics, but especially Canine Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD).

WE ARE NOT VETS, these are just anecdotes from other owners. YOU and YOUR VET are responsible for your dog's health. Always discuss all medical concerns with your vet. Each dog is different so what worked for one, may not work for another. We do not encourage making medical decisions without the vet's approval.

A lot of the healing from any condition happens at home. Sometimes you need to know if what you're seeing is normal or not, or you just need to vent. Don't worry! Others have been in your shoes and listening to their experiences could help you figure out how to help YOUR VET and dog through this.
Your dog's healing depends entirely on your vet and your decisions. We'll be here for you to learn how to ask the right questions, report to your vet the right information, and learn that there IS hope that your dog can live a long and happy life!

Our Team

We’re Brenda, Christina, and Sharon; former Dodgerslist team members, with many, many years of experience supporting IVDD dogs and owners. Having faced the condition with our own dogs, we know too well that when you need help and support, you need it not only with facts, but with understanding and kindness. We also know that IVDD is stressful for the whole family and that learning doesn’t have to be strict. We know that not all dogs and situations are the same and that sometimes what works for one, doesn’t work for another.

We are not vets. Yet we have spent countless hours experiencing the condition, listening, reading, researching, and replying to messages by emails, twitter and facebook. We met so many of you when your dogs were down and you needed a helping hand, and to this day, some of you are still our friends.

In 2013, all of us felt the need for a space in which people could learn and help their dogs heal while doing it with a smile and empathy. We felt we should reach out to people, posting and replying where they feel comfortable. The need for a place where we could really make a difference, without limitations.So we embarked on this project with the hopes of providing support and education, in a friendly, empathic and fun environment: The K9 Back Pack!

We are on FacebookTwitterPinterest and have our own web page, to make it easy for YOU to get support, the way YOU prefer. Share the news with your friends! 









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